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Jonathan Davis

So what is so pragmatistic about being Jonathan Davis?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Google your blog

[LINK] That's right, Google finally has fully integrated Blog searching. Now go play.

10:10 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Michael Moore...I shouldn't even give him this attention

[LINK] Michael Moore has "A letter to all who voted for George W. Bush..." on his blog which just left me sitting in awe.

I don't understand how anyone can actually look at this guy with admiration. Before I go to far though, I have to admit he and I agree on one concept:

"When men who never served in the military and have never seen young men die in battle send our young people off to war, do you think they know how to conduct a war?" I've been saying this for a long time.

However, we also have a lot of major disagreements:

"You have voted for politicians for the past 25 years whose main goal has been to de-fund the federal government."
I never voted for Clinton, who raped the military of good people, cut their money to the bone, and then pushed military equipment off the end of an aircraft carrier because it "wasn't needed". I wonder how many people who are currently serving in Iraq agree with that decision. Don't argue the whole "we shouldn't be in Iraq" thing, because like it or not, countries go to war, and sooner or later all of that was going to be needed.

Mr. Moore goes on to droan yet again about how Bush didn't do enough to repair the levees and rescue the people of New Orleans.
My recommendation would be for Mr. Moore to go to: http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/is700.asp and complete course IS00700. It's a free course and if you pass the test you get a nice (read "very small") certificate saying that you understand the National Incident Management System. With that understanding Mr. Moore might understand why the argument of "it's all Bush's fault" doesn't fly. The responsibility falls to the local municipality first(mayor), then the New Orleans director of Homeland Security (appointed by the governor), then the Governor, and then finally the feds.

Also, please tell me why the Louisiana National Guard requested 700 buses when there were 569 buses available to Mayor Nagin. These buses were eventually flooded, and never used.

Just for the record, assuming that buses still carry 40 adults like they did when I was in school those 569 buses could have carried 23,329 people to safety, without overcrowding a single bus. (If anything their capacity has increased.)

I voted for Bush because he was better than the crap the Democratic party offered. I didn't like voting for Bush and if it wasn't for the fact that I knew it would be a close race, would have voted independent, just to protest.

CC Michael Moore

Giving Blood - Follow Up

Ok, so maybe the nurse wasn't as good as I thought.

Thursday night I had to call the United Healthcare Nurses line (something I've never done before) because my arm was swelling and in quite a bit of pain. The pain was extending from my wrist to my shoulder and was significant enough to keep me awake.

From what I can tell the nurse pushed the needle in either to far, or caught the very side of my vein. Either way, I bled out into my arm and now have a bruise that extends around half of my arm, and about 12 along the length. My elbow is still pretty sore.

I've given blood quite a few times, and this is the first time I've ever had a problem. I guess it was just my turn.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Giving blood...post #2

I'm still bored so if they will let me I'm going to blog from the chair.

If I was honest my biggest fear isn't the blood or the needle, it's my body freaking out for no reason. I really can't think of anything worse than passing out. I've never passed out while giving blood before, so it really is a ridiculous worry, but go figure.

Scarborough Fair is playing on the staticky radio, a good song to be so mellow/depressing. Oldies go right along with the doctors office theme.

Someone just passed out in the chair. I smile for reasons only known to me, and the reader of this.

In the chair now, I've got good veins...and here comes the needle...good nurse...

There was a girl here who had to endure the stick twice bacause they couldn't find the vein the first time. Dedication is putting up with that twice without complaint.

Out of the chair and no passing out. I made it through again.

Giving blood...

So I'm waiting in line to give blood and have nothing better to do than blog. The Red Cross should really consider providing magazines for the wait...I mean everyone has that slightly-panick-stricken look on their face, just like the waiting room of the doctors office. They might as well finish off the effect with three year old magazines.

Of course one major difference is the musical chairs we are currently playing as each person moves to get into "the chair".

No matter how many times I give blood, I am always intrigued by the slight edge I feel as my turn approaches. I'm not afraid of needles, but there is something very unnatural about sticking one into a major artery.

With that said, if you haven't made an appointment yet to give blood, do so. There are a lot of people who need a pint more than you do.


Trying a new blogging utility

I just found a great new blogging utility for my Treo. U*Blog works with any of the major blog hosting companies and if you have a Treo, it shouldn not be missed!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Macromedia comes through

For those who don't know, I'm a big Macromedia fan. I've used their products extensively for 5 years, and have nothing but praise for their latest version of software about to be released (I'm a beta tester).

I have to say that this time, they have even suprised me. Sue asked me to find out whether Macromedia would donate a few copies of Contribute for http://ncdisasteraid.org/ to help with administration of the site. After only a single email Todd Silliman from Macromedia came through with three copies of Contribute overnighted to help with the cause.

That Rocks!
